For as long as I can remember I have liked to talk to girls about their problems. and I know about the whole nice guy thing, that if you let a girl ‘cry’ on your shoulder she becomes to close to you as a friend and doesn’t want to date you… that irratated me for a long time. but I enjoyed it still, i liked talking to them about their problems b/c it gave me the opportunity to tell them ‘i told you so’ a lot, b/c for a long time I have had the ability to be able to look at most guys and know if they are ‘good’ guys as far as for girls to date. I can usually pick out the decent guys from the ‘abusive’ / not-so-nice-guys. and sure as the the sun rising the girl would ALWAYS pick the not-so-nice-guy contrary to what I said, no matter how many times I was right before… i took me several years to learn that girls don’t really care, they just have to make their own mistakes. b/c no matter how many times i was right before they would always goto the next guy that was just a different version of the last guy, and i would say this is how he is, and she would say, no this one is different, for a couple of weeks, maybe even a month or two, then it was back to the you-were-right-i-should-have-listened-to-you-speech. but she never ever did not even 1 week later when i was telling her the same thing, sometimes about the same guy as before. So know i’ve come to realize that i have this ability/power/skill/talent/gift/knack whatever you want to call it - and it still annoys me that girls still haven’t learned. I wonder sometimes if cave girls always were into the guy with the roundest wheel, or whatever, and the girl was like ‘ug him nice guy’ and then there was some cave-me that said ‘ug no him not’ and thus the nice guy was born. so i’ve decided that since girls don’t seem to understand this information i can provide them i am going to discontinue my offering of this service and only keep this information to myself and then maybe tell a few guys (hey watch this she is going to be very distraught b/c of this guy in t-minus….) and maybe i’ll even tell the other nice guys, hey you’re one of us, i know how you feel. and in our brethren we could wallow in our own pity and take solace in knowing that we have all felt each others pain, then we’d have a group hug and sing Kumbayya…. ok not really. But i do think that all of the nice guys out there should be recognized, so if you are a nice guy like me, and you see another nice guy- tell him hey ‘you’re a nice guy’ - he might think your hitting on him, but thats ok i think it’ll get your point across just the same…
now i just have to come up w/ a nice guy secert handshake…
now i just have to come up w/ a nice guy secert handshake…