What is it about sitting by the restroom that makes you the gatekeeper / vigilant door watcher of the restroom? I have been asked at least 6 times: "is someone in there?"
A) there is an occupied sign.
B) if all else fails, try the door. Idk why I'm responsible for keeping the train restroom schedule.
If been asked "Are you in line?" Which is considerate but I'm sitting here reading a book with 200lbs of luggage on my lap... Do I look particularly ready to jump up to use the restroom?
The follow up question I've received thrice is "how long have they been in there?" Really? Wtf? I'm not exactly timing these people, nor do I really care how long they've been "in there". It's in use. Your options are wait or find another restroom.
I got a "is there another bathroom on the train?" No idea. I'm not the train keeper, nor am I the restroom information gateway for the New Mexico Rail Runner.
Note to self: never sit by the effing bathroom door. 😡🔫