Anyhow, every decision you make, every aspect of your life, no matter how small, you are presented w/ two choices… always two. Do i wear the blue tee shirt or the black button-uo , do i say tell the truth or what i think they want to hear, do I eat Cap’n Crunch again or try something new…
everything you do is based on these decisions and you make so many of them everyday, that everyone does it without even realizing it. The become so fluid, so second nature that we make them without even thinking. we are able to get to that point based on previous decisions we have made. if a decision you made was rewarding in some way, you will tend towards that decision next time, if that decision rewards you everytime, you will eventually get to the point where the other option ceases to exist to you, and will only see the option that looks appealing, even if that really isn’t the right option.. i realize that sounds confusing, let me try an analogy.
children test their parents, as a natural part of human nature, they are trying to find out what they can get away with… a child will find that point and know what they can and can’t do, what decisions that can make w/out to much consequence, so if they find that they stay out til 10pm and no one cares, they try later, and later and later, until they get in trouble… if no one cares, then they eventually get to the point where the decision to come home at a reasonable time isn’t even a question b/c the other decision has no benifit to them, even though it is the better of the two choices…
my point to all of this is that in life there are always two choices, they are: what’s easy, and what’s right…
more often than not, those are not the same choice, however sometimes they are, but most of the time people get stuck into chosing whats easy instead of whats right b/c, well, its easier. But think about that second choice, whats right…. there is a reason that its right, usually that is a morality issue, but don’t overlook a choice b/c it is hard, that is usually the right choice.
My challenge to you is this, throughout your day today, think about some of the choices you are making, are you making them b/c they are easy, or because they are right?